PICC (Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter) is a thin, long tube inserted through a peripheral vein in the arm, which then passes through to the central vein near the heart. This catheter serves several purposes:
Usage Precautions
During the Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter (PICC) procedure, a stabil izing device is used to secure the catheter and prevent it from dislodging. This fixation device serves the following purposes
Stability Assurance
User Convenience
의료용 계측기 솔루션
Fluke의료용 계측기 솔루션
FlukeHospital & Homecare 솔루션
ACCUVEINHospital & Homecare 솔루션
ACCUVEIN의료용 계측기 솔루션
Fluke Biomedical의료용 계측기 솔루션
Fluke BiomedicalMRI 환자감시장치
MIPMMRI 환자감시장치
MIPM의료용 계측기 솔루션
RaySafe의료용 계측기 솔루션
RaySafe응급 구조 솔루션
Ambu응급 구조 솔루션
AmbuHospital & Homecare 솔루션
HN20Hospital & Homecare 솔루션
HN20Hospital & Homecare 솔루션
HT20Hospital & Homecare 솔루션
본사/공장/연구소 : 강원도 원주시 문막읍 동화공단로 132
서울사무소 : 서울시 서초구 동광로 53 [06561]
전화 : 033-742-5400 팩스 : 033-742-5483
E-mail : info@mediana.co.kr